E v e n t s

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22 октября на Фестивале вина в Гурджаани продегустируйте головокружительные вина «Винодельня Эйфория».

A f t e r n o o n P i c n i c

$75 per Guest

Every last Sunday of the of the month throughout the summer season (May-September) we hold a picnic where wine-makers and wine-lovers alike meet to enjoy each other’s company.

A n n u a l H a r v e s t D i n n e r

$120 per Person

A three-course meal prepared according to your personal tastes and preferences combined with the best wines of this year’s vintages. Bruno and Agatha host this dinner.

J a z z & M e r l o t

May 8, 20:00h / $75 per Guest

Every last Sunday of the of the month throughout the summer season (May-September) we hold a picnic where wine-makers and wine-lovers alike meet to enjoy each other’s company.